At what age do children's milk teeth fall?

At what age do children’s milk teeth fall?

Between 5 and 7 years old is the age at which children lose their teeth. When babies grow, all those first times arrive: the first crawls, the first steps, the first words or the first teeth. Everything to emerge progressively. However, the change that takes more time is the denture, since the teeth come out until the milk falls and the real ones appear.

When children begin to grow, there are gaps in their mouths and they love it because the expected Perez Raton comes. But moms and dads will ask: at what age do children’s milk teeth fall? Should my child have already thrown all the teeth? let’s get rid of doubts and tell you how milk teeth appear and at what age they should fall.

Appearance of baby teeth

Baby teeth, also called primary teeth, usually appear in babies in a certain order. It does not mean that some babies are faster or delayed in their appearance. The milk teeth usually emerge gradually and usually appear by groups of teeth in the upper or lower area.

The appearance of the teeth causes many discomforts to the babies, being the molars the worst, and they have a lot of saliva and drool during this time. It is said that if the teeth we left in adulthood we would not endure the pain, so be patient with your baby, if you are irritated during this time. There may also be fever or changes in your poop, it is normal during the appearance of the denture.

It is normal for the lower central incisors to appear first after 4 months. The following are just their superiors, the central incisors of the upper part, which we know as hops. Then appear just those of its sides, the upper and lower lateral incisors.

Once all the incisors have appeared, the first teeth begin to be seen. First fit the upper molars and then the lower molars. After these are followed by the fangs, first from above and then from below, and finally the secondary molars which are more to the back of the mouth.

Thus, at the age of 3 years the child will already have his complete teeth with his 20 milk teeth. Adults have more teeth, but it is due to the appearance of new teeth. This happens after the fall of milk teeth.

Fall of the milk teeth: what to do if a tooth moves?

The fall of milk teeth occurs when the permanent tooth, which is below the gum, comes out and wears out the base of the milk tooth. Little by little, he is making pressure and loosen it until the milk tooth falls down leaving a gap so that the final tooth appears.

The usual thing is that the fall of baby teeth is between five and seven years. The first teeth usually fall at five or six years, although there are exceptions. It also depends on whether the appearance of the teeth in your baby was before or after. However, in almost all cases between 12 and 13 years old there is no milk tooth left.

The normal thing is that the fall of the teeth is done in the same way they were appearing. That is, the first ones that came out will be the first to fall, most likely. First, the lower and upper centrals, then their laterals, and then move forward until they reach the molars.

So, when you ask “At what age do children’s milk teeth fall?” , the answer is that from 5 to 7 years .

What to do when a baby tooth start moving?

Before the fall, the tooth will begin to move. It is normal for children to be scared at first thinking that it will cause pain, so it is convenient that you sit down with your child and explain the process. Then the children get used to it and some even rejoice when they move a tooth or wait for the arrival of the Tooth Fairy.

The most important thing when moving a baby tooth is not to force it and let your child know that when the tooth is ready it will fall and that it does not have to pull the tooth for this to happen. When the teeth are very loose, you can help remove them by twisting them because the root will be completely disintegrated, but it is advisable to let them fall off on their own.

If your child begins to lose their teeth at an early age, for example at age 4, it is convenient to consult your dentist. Unless the child has had an accident or fall that caused him to lose his tooth. In this case it is advisable to monitor it so that it does not become infected and go to the dentist who will probably place a plastic prosthesis in the space where the tooth was. This is to avoid space problems in future teeth. The fall of the teeth prematurely without any fall has been caused by a dental disease.

It can also happen that a 7-year-old child still has baby teeth. You can take him to the dentist for an x-ray, but it is usually not cause for any problem. In fact, there are some adults who never get to have some definitive teeth and does not push the baby tooth so they remain with it until adulthood or until they fall for some other reason such as tooth decay. It is not a problem, the dentist will choose to put an implant that will solve the question of empty space.

Appearance of new teeth

Once the milk teeth are falling, the definitive teeth appear. Do not panic if you see a difference in size, the final teeth are larger than those of milk. This is almost a more important process than the fall of the milk teeth, as it is necessary to see if the new teeth, which will be permanent, are coming out well, in place or dislodged.

When the dental alignment is not good, the final tooth comes right next to the milk in a double row. This usually happens in the incisors and it is convenient that you visit the dentist to see if the milk tooth can fall earlier or it has to be left like this, since the definitive tooth will take its place when it has space. At 12 or 13 years, it is normal for the child to have all of his definitive teeth including the premolars and the molars (except the wisdom teeth that usually appear in adolescence or later or not appear)

Now that the permanent teeth are appearing, it is advisable that you begin to teach your child to brush their teeth (if you have not already taught them) so that it becomes a habit. For young children, it is best to use very little amount of paste or one that does not have fluoride.

Anything abnormal or dislocated teeth that you see, go to the dentist so that the problem is solved from the beginning and your child has a great denture.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We advise you to visit dental clinic in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

If you want to read more articles similar to at what age do children’s milk teeth fall? , we recommend you to visit our category of Family Health.


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